Creative Flow Circles exist at the intersection of creativity and vitality, wellness and art.
The concept of the Creative Flow Circles is to provide just enough structure and form for creativity to flow so the healing and expansive qualities of creativity can be enjoyed.
The intention is to create a felt sense of safety and freedom so that the inner critic can be quieted and the participants can establish a state of curiosity and wonder.
This is achieved through a combination of gentle yet clear conditions that help settle the nervous system, loosen expectations and redirect focus from individual achievement to collective process and play.
The design of the circles is intended to give permission for exploration and mess-making. Each circle is composed of a circuit of easels (3-25) and a few simple art supplies at each easel. No expertise or skillset is necessary.
Every circle begins with a body scan meditation, followed by brief stretching. Participants move color, words, or collage across the circuit of easels, changing as instrumental music changes. It is a non-verbal space.
Creative Flow circles always end with time to observe the creations and integrate the experience with rest and stillness to close.